Contact us

Got a question? Contact our friendly UK support team.

Arrange a call back

Head over to the app and select (Settings > Contact us > Arrange a call back). A friendly support team member will call you back as soon as possible.

We’ll aim to respond within 4 hours of our opening times.

Message us (in-app)

Send us a message within the app (Settings > Contact us > Message us). Again, we’ll aim to respond within 4 hours of our opening times.


If you prefer to email us, send an email to [email protected].

Personal support

If there’s something we can do to help you get support in a way that you prefer, just let us know and we’ll do everything we can to accommodate. Check out our personal support page for further details.

Heads up – we’re unable to provide financial advice or discuss your investments directly.

How to complain

If you’re looking to make a complaint, here’s how to make a complaint.


If you’d like to get in touch with our press team, please email [email protected].

Got a question?

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