How it works

Save for a financially secure future

Your easy access savings pot and pension, all in one.

Easy access savings pot

You’ll get an easy access pot for day-to-day savings.

Access your savings quickly in an ISA, or a standard account.


And a pension pot with a 25% bonus for retirement.

Tax relief from the government, to help you save more. Access your savings aged 55 in a pension.

Split money

Money added will be split between the two pots.

Providing the flexibility to save for now and your future.


You choose the split

For example, 70% into your easy access pot and 30% into your pension pot (change any time).

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Experts invest your savings, aiming to grow them over time.

Done sensibly with BlackRock, the largest investment firm in the world.

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Plus, your savings make the world a better place.

Experts will consider ethical investments, things like reducing climate change.

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It's all you need to save for a financially secure future.

Join Beach and save for a brighter future.

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